kaary shivir example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Shortly after his death (1520), his wife wife Simon de Colines, other known printer, and continues to publish the workshop (seven hundred items) 2. The first known Parisian workshop is the master Honore, who worked for Philip the Fair 3. The murals executed by him or his workshop are not always in buon fresco 4. The workshop was then led by Richard de Verdun (Life of Saint Denis, Biblio 5. This should have led the goldsmith's workshop of Saint Pantaleon of about 1120-1150 (Dietrich Kötzsche "Zum Stand der Forschung der Goldschmiedekunst of 12

Given are the examples of hindi word kaary shivir usage in english sentences. The examples of kaary shivir are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., workshop.

And when its iron and steel industry started growing from the 1850s, Britain came to be known as the workshop of the world .

You may encourage the students to talk to various working people around them (such as shop owners, casual workers, vegetable vendors, workshop mechanics, domestic workers etc.
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